ofxAbletonLive copied to clipboard
addon for openFrameworks for controlling Ableton Live
dont compile in WINDOWS visual estudio.
Hi there! I haven't been able to connect abletonOSC to my live set at all. I only get the grey screen saying "loading ableton set..." I do believe the mentioned...
The example app can't connect with any Ableton live set. It manages to connect with a default Ableton live set but not with all live set I have made. I...
Hello Gene, it looks like the instructions are out of date. "Place the "LiveOSC" folder (inside "trunk") into the Midi Remote Scripts folder in your Live App." there is no...
Ok, so when you have this Ableton Live Set which has some predefined automation going on in the arrangement view; the automation gets overridden (grays out) when the first automation...
My app crashes when Ableton is already playing and one of the first update cycles comes through. ``` if (parameter > 0 && tracks.count(track) != 0 && tracks[track]->getDevices().count(device)) { tracks[track]->getDevices()[device]->getParameterGroup()->getFloat(parameter).set(m.getArgAsFloat(3));...