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Predefined automation (in arrangement) gets overridden via ofxAbletonLive
Ok, so when you have this Ableton Live Set which has some predefined automation going on in the arrangement view; the automation gets overridden (grays out) when the first automation change in the arrangement view got send over to LiveOSC into this addon.
I think the problem is related to ofxAbletonLiveParameter
in which you detect parameter changes (from outside -> in) but then, when a change is detected; the value gets resent to Ableton via an OSC message.
void ofxAbletonLiveParameter::setValue(float value)
ofxOscMessage msg;
if (!skipTrack) {
sender->sendMessage(msg); // <----- trouble when ableton is sending over paramter change to this addon
void ofxAbletonLiveParameter::parameterChanged(float & value)
should be:
void ofxAbletonLiveParameter::parameterChanged(float & value)
parameter->set(parameter->get()); // only setting the value, not resending it
I hope I'm correct, at least, my problem is solved by changing this line. :D
the parameterChanged callback is for when you change the value from somewhere else (i.e. a GUI) and then it transmits it to ableton. if you do it this way, this wouldn't update ableton. maybe it would be better for you to simply have a handle to the parameter itself, i.e. ofxAbletonLiveDevice::getParameter()->set.