Results 76 comments of Guillaume E

This seems to come from some information about `rustc`'s version being hashed in the metadata: In particular: I also wonder why the host hashing is skipped in the...

If I understand correctly, the first concern is the following ( > I'm a little concerned with how this might affect our longer term efforts to share artifacts between projects....

> FWIW at least from an abstract point of view I believe that we should fix this issue. If you're using the same source code for the entire toolchain (e.g....

Interesting analysis @saurik! Yes I agree that this is worth re-opening rust-lang/rust#71361. Regarding google/OpenSK#94, for now we've agreed to have two sets of reproduced binaries, those built on Linux and...

- The `enable_logging` feature shouldn't bring the `env_logger` dependency - `env_logger` should be a dev-dependency only.

> This doesn't need to be a breaking release if `default` imports everything. It would be an opt-out rather than opt-in but can be done without a major version increment....

> Since `decoder` is mostly documented already, would it be feasible to expose those primitives as public without much work, possibly behind a feature flag? It surely would be feasible!...

Some comments: - In the current state of things, I'm not sure about the value of using const generics to encode the compression parameters. The `LzmaDecoder` struct just converts these...

The LZMA format contains a header which specifies the dictionary size to use: So lzma-rs just follows whatever dictionary size is written in the compressed stream, there is currently...

Do you have a reference to the code and documentation for such "some formats"? Otherwise it's hard to add the feature you wish. Feel free to send a pull-request as...