Results 76 comments of Guillaume E

Do you have a reference to the code or documentation, and example files to test this? Otherwise it will be hard to add support for this use case. Feel free...

Would (or a variant of it) work for this use case?

The implementation in only supports a 64-bit or 0-bit field for the unpacked size though. So I assume it wouldn't work for a 32-bit unpacked size out-of-the-box.

> @gendx someone is also needs this feature it seems, not only me: Thanks for the pointer. I don't have a lot of time for implementing it at the...

Good idea! Note that only the basic filters are implemented for now, so some of the "good" files will currently be rejected.

Note: these files can also be found in

Looks like this works on my own pull-requests (#29, #30).

> The warnings are correct that there are paths listed in the ELF file that it can't find: > > > /Users/ppannuto/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-2020-06-03-x86_64-apple-darwin/lib/rustlib/x86_64-apple-darwin/bin/llvm-objdump: warning: '/Volumes/code/helena-project/tock/target/thumbv7em-none-eabi/release/nrf52dk.elf': **failed to find source arch/cortex-m4/src/** >...

Thanks for the investigation! The warnings are not so annoying per se, given that there is an explanation and a path to fix it at some point.

> * Commenting out debug_* calls in `Process::switch_to()` and `Kernel::do_process()` saves an extra 102 cycles. I've been thinking about having a more principled way of removing debugging statements, see #1372...