In general the player code runs for days without issues, no leak, no crash. However occasionally there is a crash, _freeing memory which was not allocated_, and it seems to...
Still on Windows, still with Qt 6.6.x, after zero copy rendering works so well now, here is the next area which possibly can get optimized: I notice that QAVAudioOutput has...
Qt 6.4.3 and Qt 6.5.2, on iOS devices, real devices: Decoding works fine, decoded frames are AV_PIX_FMT_VIDEOTOOLBOX. When sending to display using videoSink->setVideoFrame(), they are redeclared (not converted) to NV12...
In #273 you explain the process between decoding and rendering clearly: > Let me explain how "everything" works: > > ffmpeg decodes a source using hardware acceleration and puts data...
When looking through qtmultimedia changes update below hints for possible differences with Ffmpeg 7 in hw accelerated decoding and rendering: > Old FFmpeg versions expose supported hw formats in...