PS. XCode Instruments does not show leaks, nothing.
> > PS. XCode Instruments does not show leaks, nothing. > > Interesting can we trust this? Yes, I think so, I have good experience with xcode Instruments, it is...
Unless there are better ideas, I will try to confirm if this is happening too when using standard QtMM mediaplayer with Qt 6.5.2, on iOS devices, or not. - If...
> might be possible that some resources there should be cleaned up or reused. F.e. `textures[i] = quint64([m_hw->device newTextureWithDescriptor:desc iosurface:surface plane:i]);` also might be device m_hw->device ? > >...
> > This is very suspicious CVPixelBufferRetain(m_hw->pbuf); because it should be released ? [CVPixelBufferRelease]( [(see dtor CVPixelBufferRelease(d->pbuf);]( > As a test, I commented out the line with CVPixelBufferRetain(m_hw->pbuf); It seemed...
if there is a change in memory usage, then it seems to be slightly less, but not more. Other than that, unchanged, it runs on Mac forever, but on iPad...
> pbuf seems ok than, but newTextureWithDescriptor interesting does it require to release this texture, or it creates everytime new. ``` textures[i] = quint64([m_hw->device newTextureWithDescriptor:desc iosurface:surface plane:i]); ``` That line...
To check, if it might stop the freezing if that textures line would not run, I commented them out: ``` // TEST: MTLTextureDescriptor *desc = [MTLTextureDescriptor texture2DDescriptorWithPixelFormat:f width:w height:h mipmapped:NO];...
It passed the 32000 frames without freezing !!!!!! If textures are not needed, possibly nothing in that function is really needed, so new test with the complete function changed to...
> > QList textures = { 0, 0 }; > > Exactly means that no textures are used and no HW accel for rendering. You mean that the QtMM code...