Today I encountered the same problem on my own Kitura-net Fork. The only workaround for now was to specify HTTP 1.0 instead of HTTP 1.1 because HTTP 1.0 does not...
Found this: And the problem is solved for me when using: ```let data = Data(base64Encoded: base64, options: .ignoreUnknownCharacters)!```
I'm not sure, but this might also be a fix for #52 ?
I fixed it by downgrading my build.grade dependencies to ''
Kitura-Redis makes use of BlueSockets. You can enable SSL for Sockets using BlueSSLService. See add-ins. I just implemented it for an SSL Azure Redis Connection: You can speficy...
This would be a cool feature! What I noticed was that it doesn't require a swipe, a touch (requesting focus for another item) to close the menu, is enough. Still...
I also have this problems with a lot of light, which are turned off by the button on the wall, but tuya/homebridge combination seeys them as on, because when you...