Daniele Rondina
Daniele Rondina
Authentication support added with c353ab49787e4d07af3fbce720e0b9d722d8c33f
The mirrors list could be defined with a specific file for the repository. Mark as ok.
imho, instead of to use another lib I prefer to complete what is already been done for the `--same-owner` option and directly use the low-level API. And in general implement...
@hykilpikonna thanks for taking care of this. I will add the package of your fork in the new year.
Perfect... so what is the next step ? :) I'm a newbie of github merge/fork so... I must create a pull request ? Thanks
hi, if can help you... from kernel >=4.6 cgroup api/features are been rewrited. As describe on gentoo wiki https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/LXC#Configuring_unprivileged_LXC to start unprivileged container is needed mount cgroup filesystem with systemd...