Fabian Jonassen

Results 32 comments of Fabian Jonassen

The change in GODEBUG did change one thing (when going back to 256Mi), it gets OOMKilled instead of cycling forever trying to free up memory. But the final result is...

No, if you have a link i would be glad to join

Ok, my expectation would be that i can set UserData (like any other argument) since this is a very low level lib. I would not want to have the library...

We also hit this issue with basically the same setup. We also use a GKE private cluster and IAP tunnels to SSH on a bastion with tinyproxy on it. It...

We ran into a similar problem with ops-view. We noticed that it uses a huge amount of tcp_mem leading me to believe it somehow leaks either API connections or websocket...

We currently have this problem with private link on eu-central-1 ECR. If done so the default EKS setup doesn't work anymore since it wants to pull images from us-west-1. Being...

I'm having the same issue in this run: https://github.com/gomint/aws/runs/1823323408?check_suite_focus=true. The package.json has been generated with `cdk init` like mentioned above. When i manually install with the docker example you gave...

Those are all optimizations of the same concept. Yes it should be doable to get those optimizations in, i just want to refactor the Gomint interface for it (i don't...

Can you also decouple the API / this reference cleanup from the actual world multithreading? Its hard to review in the current state due to that

> > This system should be made with more generic prediction usage. So you can have `registerLisetener(T listener, Predicate shouldFirePredicate)` and there is no need to store the IntSet (which...