Gabriel Scarcella
Gabriel Scarcella
Same issue! I want to have 'static' arn names for task roles, to simplify CI/CD and couldn't use overlays because of this error. ``` x-aws-cloudformation: Resources: ServiceTaskRole: Properties: RoleName: ServiceTaskRole...
Here is the validation in NestedModelAdmin: ``` @csrf_protect_m @transaction.atomic def change_view(self, request, object_id, form_url='', extra_context=None): "The 'change' admin view for this model." ... if not self.has_change_permission(request, obj): raise PermissionDenied ```...
I tried skipping that validation in NestedModelAdmin, and it returns a *ChangeView* instead of *ReadOnlyView*
It does **fix** the **read-only view** for the **parent object**. But all the inlines are editable (they should be read-only too, as in original Django Admin). Screenshot of test result:...
@OskarPersson i'm testing it, and still having the same output. I will try to debug to check if "read_only" variable is True in wrap_nested_inline_formsets **EDIT**: I set up a Breakpoint...
I just had some time and took another look. Looks like the method that you've fixed is only called when a **Nested Inline inside another Inline** is added. After noting...
> > > Thank you, I will look into this when I can. Also, if you want to update an existing pull request without creating a new one you can...
Hey @OskarPersson . I'm really sorry, im busy on another project until tomorrow. I'll have time Saturday and Sunday, and will post you an update asap. We keep in touch