Gary Yeap
Gary Yeap
Should I use the 90DNS as well with OFW or just CFW? What I'm planing to do: 1. Keep using OFW to play original eshop games with sd-card A. Sd-card...
Tested on Nexus 7 2012
I like to add your project files to my [project](, but your js files have no copyright statement included, could you please include it? thanks for your work.
Hi, thanks for creating this awesome project. I just made some non-backward compatible changes to this project and found out the last commit from authors was over 2 years ago....
### Steps To Reproduce Just keep it open and idle for hours or days. ### Expected Result No need to write so much data to disk as a password manager....
看了 #369 這個 PR,看來是有意爲之的把「剛才」「才行」之類的換成「纔」? 但老實說,身爲繁體中文的長期使用者我幾乎沒看過人這樣用的,對我來說其實也困擾常常要手動轉換? 隨便找一些例子: 基本上都是用「才」,除了那些簡繁自動翻譯出來的外幾乎沒看過有人用,請問這樣轉換的依據是?
最近看的时候很不稳定,常常请求超时,想问一下是不是有优化(减少浏览器对伺服器的请求)的需求? 目前想到的方案: 1. 用 vite-ssg 产生小说(含内容)初始页面静态档,用 cloudflare 等 cdn 来做前端缓存,后续 ajax 操作照旧 2. 目前想到的读取的动态数据就是 toc 章节已读/未读状态, 解决方案看可不可以改 api 把 toc 已读独立出来存在 localstorage, 显示时一律从 localstorage 读取,在背景同步 localstorage 跟伺服器数据。 以上应该可以确保在无需对伺服器请求的情况下靠 cdn 缓存完整读完一部小说,同时大幅降低对伺服器的请求。