Sean Garborg
Sean Garborg
```python import math from decimal import Decimal import numpy as np import simplejson fmath = [1/3, math.nan, 0.2] fnp = np.array([1/3, np.NaN, 0.2]) dmath = [Decimal(v).quantize(Decimal('0.01')) for v in fmath]...
I feel like doc access from the repl, IJulia, and Juno would make the package much more usable. Format-wise, adding HTML just takes a couple extra couple lines in an...
Without the altitude field. When working with data that doesn't include altitude, it would allow for safer, faster, more memory efficient code.
The README has argument order mixed up (`LLA(lat=x, lon=y, alt=z)` and `LatLon(lat=x, lon=y)`). Is `lon, lat` a more common argument order in the external libraries we'll interface with and users...
- [ ] Perhaps find some established reference points for the conversions. - [ ] Test using non-`WGS84` datums.
(As mentioned a comment near the `promote_type` definition, but deserves an issue.) Came up on julia-users:!topic/julia-users/piCb9m7lUmE Breaking `vcat(dfs)` when a column of `NAtype` and another type `T` are vcat'ed:...
I was expecting it to be `false` (same for `@data(1:3) == @pdata(1:3)`), but I guess either way, you lose the ability to evaluate something easily.
... rather than AbstractArray?
Was going to update `JuliaStats/Distance.jl` to require and use `NumericFuns`, but I noticed functors are still used in the docs and README here -- what do you think about re-exporting...