Andy Garbett

Results 15 comments of Andy Garbett

"What's the point of using an API for HTTP requests if the second you need to upload a file you have to go look for another option/get all hacky."

I am also having the same issue whereby the camera is inverted. Device: Nexus 5X OS: 8.1.0

Hey @buczoprazy - can you give me more information about what you are trying to do?

Hi @native1989 - I'm taking a look at improving this now so that you can import directly in the component. Apologies for any confusion. Thanks!

I renamed the types file and I haven't updated the config - thanks for finding this. I'll update this asap.

I've just pushed v2.0.6 - can you check this works for you? Make sure you register ```lottie-web-vue``` in the global scope: main.ts ```js import { createApp } from "vue"; import...

Hey @Andreas-Schoenefeldt thanks for your help so far. I'm having trouble getting that issue to show with my current project settings. Is there any way you could share your code...

Follow up question - what version of Vue are you using?

Lot's to think about there! Thank you for taking a look. I've had issues previously with forgetting to disable Vetur plugin whilst in a Vite project in VSCode. Is it...

@Andreas-Schoenefeldt I think the latest pull request from @reslear might provide you with the typing you'll need: Can you take a look and see if this resolves your issue?