DecisionProgramming.jl copied to clipboard
DecisionProgramming.jl is a Julia package for solving multi-stage decision problems under uncertainty, modeled using influence diagrams. Internally, it relies on mathematical optimization. Decision mo...
The setindex-functions for probability and utility matrices throw an error if a non-existent state is given, but all the functions have `probability_matrix.nodes[i]` when it should be `PM` or `UM`, depending...
Currently, the package doesn't allow the creation of chances of decision nodes with a single state **ERROR: DomainError with Each chance and decision node should have more than one state.**...
The visual representation of influence diagrams requires visualizing nodes, information sets, and states. Nodes should have distinct shapes and colors. We should represent them in depth-wise order from left to...
Add an example on how `probability_scale_factor` works, perhaps illustrating the benefit of it in the performance in the [n-monitoring]( example?
Benchmarks for decision programming on different kinds of influence diagrams. Here are some ideas on what to measure: - Hard lower bound versus soft lower bound with the positive path...
When there are inactive chance states (zero probability) in the model, the model currently creates path probability variables and fixes them to zero. We could avoid creating the fixed variables...
As demonstrated by the *contingent portfolio programming* example, the path utility functions allow using numerical, linear, and integer-linear JuMP expressions as values for path utilities when forming positive path utility...
Nodes and states should have **optional name tags** that would be displayed when printing results. Tags are strings, preferably a maximum of 3 characters long, and default to the node...
We need a rigorous definition of **symmetric** influence diagrams. Influence diagrams which are not symmetric are **asymmetric**. If an influence diagram has inactive chance states, it can be asymmetric, but...
The appendix page should contain the following sections: - **Proofs**: The documentation should be self-contained, that is, not rely on external references for proofs of the formulation. - **Notation**: List...