I am new to mantis BT, but I have it all working really well now (Windows server platform) Your plugin is the first I installed and activated. But not much...
hmmm I didnt know there was a version of mantisBT greater than 2.15.0 that is available to download. What is version 2.8.0 that you mentioned?
Sorry about that, yeah, for some reason I just thought it was like 2.8 vs 2.1.5 not 2.15, even though its obviously different than that. I will download your latest...
So I downloaded the latest from git hub, and copied the taskodrome folder into the plugins directory on my Windows server where this is running. Went into the admin tools,...
I have tried in IE10 IE11 and chrome, I can also try in firefox. Not sure if I tried that. OK, will try again now. Thanks!
Its not showing the drag and drop taskodrome screen yet. I still see the same screen as I first mentioned in this thread. I did click on the configuration screen,...
Also, here is the latest F12 errors I see. I have never seen this type of an error before. It shows up in all the browsers too. And it seems...
Here is something I am wondering how it works on your computer? If you type in the URL like this on your computer, does it show contents on that css...