Matteo Gamboz
Matteo Gamboz
Thank you for the suggestions, I'll them try and let you know how it goes. To answer your question, yes, when there is no pesky `\newcommand`s & co., I definitely...
[ suggestion, please feel free to ignore :) ] If you can change the parsing procedure based on the macro name, it might be a good idea also to ignore...
> Does your code work on all python versions supported by pylatexenc (2.7+)? No, sorry, I did not test for this. The problem is probably in the test file, as...
In the hope that it may be useful, here is a piece of code that I use to translate the macro `\cal` to "MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL XXX". ```python def replace_macro_cal(node,...
Same problem here (Django==4.0.4; django-markdownx==3.0.1). The proposed solution works for me.
I'm using @seignovert fork with inkscape 1.0 (4035a4fb49, 2020-05-01) on an Arch linux box (python 3.8.3) and it works fine.
Sorry, I see that I have some failing checks. I've set the PR as draft, I'll fix them and be back :(
Can't replicate the errors locally. I think the PR is ok :)
My notes as reported above are basically correct, but I'll keep adding to them [here]( Also, I just casually saw that the last release of `nose` is 2015: and...
We have been using `unoconv` (on debian systems) for some time with good results on .emf and .wmf. E.g.: `unoconv -f pdf -o x.pdf x.emf` However, IMHO, this is not...