Yumi Choi
Yumi Choi
We are working on extending the current BEAST stellar atmosphere models to include WR models and probably non-LTE O/B star models. There are multiple PoWR models with different hydrogen mass...
We just started an official conversation how to include **non-interacting physical binary** in the BEAST fitting (see also issue #19). Our motivation for this development is that (1) binary stars...
This PR is to allow the users to add any filters that are not in the default BEAST filter library into the filter library from command line. An input ascii...
While working on one galaxy with a complicated foot print, I found that the BEAST places input ASTs in the area outside the reference image, which is waste of our...
Current calculation of absolute flux calibration covariance matrix is only correct for HST filters. For non-HST filters, the BEAST still computes the covariance matrix for any given filters without complaining...
Back in March 2022, we noticed that filter curves in the BEAST library are not the total filter throughputs and thus updated the filters.hd5 properly. Soon after we also updated...
I am getting this error, which seems to be related with the closed PR #727 and was supposedly fixed with that PR. I suspected the error resulted from a single...
Once we merge PR #757, we also need to update vega.hd5 file. I believe Vega fluxes in each filters were computed and stored using the old version of the filter...
I just learned that there is a good method we can try to generate input ASTs. The method is called 'Latin Hypercube sampling' (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin_hypercube_sampling). I haven't looked into any details...
I tried to plot up noise models for multiple source density bins using the following command in the command line, but it did not work. I had to execute the...