
Results 9 comments of gvs

Hi david, I was asking the same Q on Stackoverflow and @mrdwab (Ananda Mahto) helped me out with this solution. ``` x

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32462726/r-how-to-combine-two-char-vectors-so-that-result-looks-like-char1-char2 My goal is to let the user input his search `terms` and `fields` and Then, combine the `query` to input the `query` as a parameter to `search_entrez`. Now, there...

Thank you. I am trying to collage multiple png into a single png of higher size than my default device size. [SO question here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64756969/creating-large-image-collage-in-r-or-python). I came across this package. Wondering...

[example.zip](https://github.com/ThinkR-open/collage/files/5531807/example.zip) update: added an example images. ``` image_files % magick::image_write(format = ".jpg", path = here::here("test.jpg"), quality = 100) ``` figured from the documentation that geometry parameter controls the width and...

updated the Q, with an example.zip. Please ignore the image as I just created copies of the same image.

Thank you jeroen, the documentation was helpful. When using image_annotate, the text is more over laid on top of the image rather than a centered heading with space around it....

yes, I am using ``` magick::image_annotate("The group A charts", size = 75, location = "+000+000" ) . ``` Tried the ,gravity = "north", the text is centered but still I...

@glin Thank you for the package. My data has 4 K rows and will increase over time. My reactable is slowing down using shiny::icon, tags ( a, div, and span...

@lakigigar @lynnyi Does this package/pipeline apply for isoform analysis on 10x Single-cell RNAseq data?