Gavin Morris
Gavin Morris
**Is this an Addition / Removal Request?** Addition. Please and thank you! **Please List the User-Agent string or Referrer to be added/removed** example: `Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/webkit-version (KHTML, like...
#### Issue description Describe the Issue you are experiencing here. If it's not an issue but a new feature request, please describe the new feature here. Has a step...
#### Issue description Traefik is currently pinned at version 1.7.9. Given that ISLE 8 is using 2.0+ it would be good to update to a new version from a security...
Hello all, I'd like to request a section to be added for Docker and iptables We should refer to this when setting up a new host or migrating a server....
#### Issue description There appear to be on occasion, HTTP request header errors in the fedora container tomcat `catalina.out` logs #### For an issue, describe steps to reproduce the issue...
#### Issue description A) When attempting to call the two utility scripts from the host i.e. outside of the running container, the scripts cannot be found. Yet running them from...
#### Issue description `Replacing` a MODS datastream doesn't seem to trigger a SOLR reindex of the object and as such the displayed metadata doesn't update to reflect changes. If I...