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Replacing MODS datastream not working across all sample objects
Issue description
a MODS datastream doesn't seem to trigger a SOLR reindex of the object and as such the displayed metadata doesn't update to reflect changes.
If I attempt to view replaced
MODS, indeed the changes are there however not displayed in the metadata on the object page.
If I click the edit
link for the MODS record:
a) I see the newly replaced MODS. (huh?, I mean yes I should but then why not in the displayed metadata?)
b) if I click the update
button without making changes, THEN I see the newly updated MODS in the displayed metadata.
Please note: I've tested this process on a non-ISLE system and on an ISLE v10 system and it works everytime.
Steps to reproduce the issue
I login to my Drupal site as a Drupal admin.
Navigate to my Islandora Repository and choose my test collection.
Select my test object e.g. the ICG Video_03 Olivia's Arrival sample and choose "Manage"
Select "Datastreams"
Select "replace" under the 2nd row MODS / MODS Record
Upload a new MODS.xml file Video_02.xml which has different MODS. Yes it doesn't describe the same object but it should display none the less.
Click Add Contents
Please note: the original MODS used was Video_03.xml
- Review updated displayed title and
section for changes.
What's the expected result?
- That I see different MODS values / fields displayed along with a title change e.g. the Video_02.xml MODS displayed in the
section and the title should now displayBlues for C.M.
What's the actual result?
The same MODS values / fields PRIOR to the upload i.e. Video_03.xml are displayed in the
section and the title is still displayingOlivia's Arrival
If I click
Manage > Datastreams > MODS
then I see the newly replaced MODS. -
If I click the
link in the MODS row and then click theUpdate
button without making changes, THEN I see the newly updated MODS in the displayed metadata of theDetails
Additional details / screenshot / files
The samples and files are from the ICG sample objects repo
I made a screen-share video of my testing steps, hoping that will be clearer on what I'm doing.
Log files from SOLR, Fedora and Gsearch at the time of replacement. I'm seeing updates but alas no results.
I think this is normal behavior for Islandora. That is, simply replacing a MODS datastream using the Manage > Datastreams > Replace MODS method does not update Solr. You also have to click "Edit" MODS and save it. But if you have Replaced a lot of MODS datastreams, you can prepare a list of PIDS and run the following shell script to get them indexed. [I'd be happy to learn of an easier way to do it.]
cat $PIDS | while read line; do
curl -XPOST -u"$USERNAME:$PASSWORD" "$PROT://$HOST:$PORT/fedoragsearch/rest?operation=updateIndex&action=fromPid&value=$line"
Hmmm what is odd @petermacdonald is that on the non-ISLE and and previous ISLE systems is that act of replacing
the MODS appears to automatically update the displayed MODS in the Details
section. I just tested isle.localdomain
and same failure.
However I guess the better question is that given this is an unthemed Drupal site and with the ICG samples having different MODS schemas / structures etc, is this actually a problem?
Should one be expecting what @petermacdonald is describing (and I believe you @petermacdonald given your experience) or is it automatically updated?
Am I looking at the right output given the unthemed site, should I see changes in the Details
section or simply the title?
I just have conflicting results and am not familiar with this level of granularity.
Related to #150
@br2490 I think that makes sense now. Thanks for bringing that up. Indeed I was using @dwk2 's institution's MODS and sample objects. Perhaps @marksandford 's efforts to streamline MODS will resolve this. So I think this is NOT an ISLE issue but more testing required.
deep sigh of relief Thank you for this @g7morris, and all! Closing #150 as this now supersedes it.
So I'm trying to sort out of this is a MODS thing or not. At this point, I keep seeing the behavior @g7morris reported, regardless of what I do to the MODS. My latest attempt was to make a single character change to the MODS file downloaded from the Datastreams page and upload it again. Still not seeing the change reflected until I use the editor form. Can someone confirm a MODS file (In the sample directory or elsehwere) that behaves correctly?