Jan Kosyk
Jan Kosyk
**documentation** Dear maintainers, I'll put your `docker-mailman` together with `mailcow-dockerized` (documented [here](https://github.com/g4rf/dockerized-mailcow-mailman)). Mailcow has a script to backup and restore data. How is it about Mailman? Is it just enough...
With some plugins like WP Multilang the raw post->post_content created unclean output, like in this posts: [dresden.network/@jankosyk/110506574459924755](https://dresden.network/@jankosyk/110506574459924755). I added the `the_content` filter to the post_content. In addition I replaced the...
The README.md explains the most fields but is somehow outdated. > Cc header is handled if the cc-handling checkbox is checked. This needs some explanation. How is this handled? Are...
Hello, a customer of mine showed me a strange behaviour for the statistics of a single page: Since a few weeks ago the statistics for a custom post type was...