I have no error in console and I haven't using a local server, I just open the html with my navigator. In firefox 84.0 inspector: When the page work, config=TeX-MML-AM_CHTML,...
I think that I find out somrthing. to reproduce the error: 1) download MathJax v2.7.6 to use it locally here: https://github.com/mathjax/MathJax/releases/tag/2.7.6 2) In examples/mathjax-cdn.adoc replace the ``` :mathjaxdir: [...] ```...
Nice, I find a way that can be reproduced. Thanks for your answers :+1:. So if I understand, I can fix it with a local HTTP server. How can I...
thank you, that works as expected :+1:
hi @turboteddy, @obilodeau, If I understand, the goal is to have the html page that can be printed properly offline and without navigator cache. It is actually possible with revealjs,...