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local MathJax work weird with v4.1.0

Open g4gilson opened this issue 4 years ago • 9 comments

I try to use MathJax with a local configuration:

:mathjaxdir: local/MathJax-2.7.6

but I get a strange rendering: image

I tried with Mathjax v2.4.0, v2.7.5 and v2.7.6.

In html I get a link like: local/MathJax-2.7.6/MathJax.js?config=TeX-MML-AM_HTMLorMML

when I modify it by (don't work with Mathjax v2.4.0, but I do it with v2.7.6 not check with v2.7.5): local/MathJax-2.7.6/MathJax.js?config=TeX-MML-AM_CHTML I get this: image

So, I don't know what change between these configuration but, in local and online (I do not clear cache) I get a good render with: config=TeX-MML-AM_CHTML configuration.

g4gilson avatar Dec 21 '20 13:12 g4gilson

Are you using a local HTTP server to preview the presentation? Any errors in the Web console? Also, which browser are you using?

For reference, we are using the same config as the built-in HTML5 converter:

On the browser extension, I'm already using the CHTML output (with MathJax 3).

The CommonHTML output processor renders your mathematics using HTML with CSS styling. It produces high-quality output in all modern browsers, with results that are consistent across browsers and operating systems. This is MathJax’s primary output mode since MathJax version 2.6. Its major advantage is its quality, consistency, and the fact that its output is independent of the browser, operating system, and user environment. This means you can pre-process mathematics on a server, without needing to know the browser, what fonts are available, and so on. (In version 2, both the HTML-CSS and NativeMML processors produced different output for different browsers and user environments.)

So we might consider switching to CommonHTML but first I want to understand why you are experiencing this issue (or rather under what conditions this happens).

ggrossetie avatar Dec 21 '20 15:12 ggrossetie

I have no error in console and I haven't using a local server, I just open the html with my navigator. In firefox 84.0 inspector: When the page work, config=TeX-MML-AM_CHTML, I have in the html to print the ≈ :

<span id="MJXc-Node-47" class="mjx-mo" style="padding-left: 0.333em; padding-right: 0.333em;">
<span class="mjx-char MJXc-TeX-main-R" style="padding-top: 0.201em; padding-bottom: 0.313em;">≈

When the page doesn't work, config=TeX-MML-AM_HTMLorMML, I have in the html to print the ≈ :

<span class="mo" id="MathJax-Span-47" style="padding-left: 0.333em; padding-right: 0.333em;">
<img src="file:///local/MathJax-2.7.6/fonts/HTML-CSS/TeX/png/Main/Regular/476/2248.png?V=2.7.6" style="width: 34px; height: 20px; vertical-align: 2px; margin-right: 0.056em;">

file:///local/MathJax-2.7.6/fonts/HTML-CSS/TeX/png/Main/Regular/476/2248.png is this image: image

When I use the same configuration but instead of use a local link, I use : I have this in html:

<span class="mo" id="MathJax-Span-47" style="font-family: MathJax_Main; padding-left: 0.333em; padding-right: 0.333em;">≈</span>

and it is printed properly. I don't know how it is possible, I download the MathJax v2.7.6 to use it locally here:

g4gilson avatar Dec 22 '20 12:12 g4gilson

I cannot reproduce this issue, I just did a test with MathJax 2.7.6 and it's working fine in both Chrome and Firefox (with or without a local HTTP server).

I don't know why but it seems that in your case MathJax is falling back to images instead of HTML + CSS. Since we apply a style on all <img> elements (most specifically a black border) it does not look so great.

Here's the result on my end:





ggrossetie avatar Dec 22 '20 15:12 ggrossetie

I think that I find out somrthing. to reproduce the error:

  1. download MathJax v2.7.6 to use it locally here:
  2. In examples/mathjax-cdn.adoc replace the
:mathjaxdir: [...]


:mathjaxdir: ../MathJax-2.7.6

and place the download MathJax dir properly 3) convert it with ascii doctor reveal js v4.1.0 and print it in a navigator I have that: image 4) replace again the same line by

:mathjaxdir: MathJax-2.7.6

and place the download MathJax dir properly 5) convert it with ascii doctor reveal js v4.1.0 and print it in a navigator I have that: image

the relative path with .. seems to not work properly

g4gilson avatar Dec 23 '20 14:12 g4gilson

@g4gilson I can only reproduce this issue using Firefox without a local HTTP server. On Chrome it's working even when I'm not using a local HTTP server.

Anyway, I think it's a limitation/issue on MathJax.

We can keep this issue open to make sure that this issue is gone once we've upgraded to MathJax 3:

ggrossetie avatar Dec 23 '20 14:12 ggrossetie

Nice, I find a way that can be reproduced. Thanks for your answers :+1:. So if I understand, I can fix it with a local HTTP server. How can I setup that? I can launch one reveal js http server on port: 18736 but how can I configure it in .adoc to get it?

g4gilson avatar Dec 23 '20 15:12 g4gilson

You need to convert your AsciiDoc presentation to HTML and then serve this HTML file using a local HTTP server.

Depending on your environment you have several options. I guess using Python SimpleHTTPServer is probably the easiest solution:

$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...

You will need to serve from the root, otherwise .. won't be resolved. In other words, if you have the following directory structure, you will need to start the local HTTP server at the root (not in the docs directory):

├── docs
│   ├── presentation.adoc
│   └── presentation.html
└── mathajax-2.7.6

And use http://localhost:8000/docs/presentation.html to preview your presentation.

ggrossetie avatar Dec 23 '20 15:12 ggrossetie

thank you, that works as expected :+1:

g4gilson avatar Jan 03 '21 12:01 g4gilson

@Mogztter as the update to MathJax 3 has been done, shall this issue be closed ?

archiloque avatar Sep 11 '21 14:09 archiloque