F. Y.
F. Y.
能不能加个选择,如果没有cover/logo,那个位置就显示空白,而不是像现在那样留个空白图片。 建议把example-picture 去掉。另外给include_graphics{\@cover}加个保护。原因是,有时候用户会定义全局的图片大小: ```latex \setkeys{Gin}{width=\maxwidth,height=\maxheight, keepaspectratio} ``` 由于`keepaspectratio`的作用,如果图片的height比较小,`\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{\@cover}` 就起不到应有的效果。 可以考虑下面的修改。 ``` \ifdefstring{\ELEGANT@device}{normal}{ \ifcsname @cover\endcsname \begingroup \setkeys{Gin}{width =\linewidth} \includegraphics{\@cover} \endgroup \fi }{\relax} ```
Is it possible to add a feature for customized exporting like Typora? Since Pandoc support default.yaml, this feature will make exporting more powerful. Thank you!
I installed the texcompile plugin but couldn't get it work. It says "No LaTeX compiler found". How should I configure the plugin so that it knows where to find latexmk...
源文件里表 6.1 的 markdown 格式大概需要修改一下。目前网页显示出来感觉有点乱。
The problem mentioned in [Parts and TOC links #22](https://github.com/grimbough/msmbstyle/issues/22#issue-460850372) still exists for the grid style. When using (PART\*), not only there was an empty page created with the title `(PART*)...
Is there way to use a different PDF viewer other than the system default pdf viewer? On windows, when the pdf is opened in adobe reader, recompile the tex file...
I tried Jekyll-Atom on both OS X and Windows 7 and got the similar erro. The following is the error message on OS X. > Jekyll site build failed! >...
Is it possible to change the overflow-y for the body of an embedded question from hidden to auto? Currently, some questions cannot be displayed fully without overflow-y. For example, Thank...
There is a LaTeX package [NiceMatrix](https://ctan.math.utah.edu/ctan/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/nicematrix/nicematrix.pdf) that is similar to tabular but support nice matrix output. For example, one may add row and/or indices, and add colors, draw vertical or...