1. run in shell ```bash kubectl config current-context ``` print: "docker-for-desktop" or "docker-desktop" 2. switch(print) * case: docker-for-desktop ```bash $TOKEN=((kubectl -n kube-system describe secret default | Select-String "token:") -split "...
### You can try `interval: 0` ```ts const multibar = new MultiProgressBar({ title: "Multi-Progress Bars", complete: "=", incomplete: "-", interval: 0, display: "[:bar] :text :percent :time :completed/:total", }); ``` I...
@arnu515 I guess I'll have time to deal with it in a week. **if you want, I am very happy to merge your pull request.**
@arnu515 It's ok without unit tests.
@arnu515 v1.2.3 has bug > https://github.com/moncefplastin07/deno-zip/commit/30f0f126f05b7a9f14952d43614f3f44ffa6f4b0 Fixed, but the author did not release 1.2.4
> Any update ? Can you submit a pull request to support zip?
Landed on [`v0.4.8`](https://github.com/deno-library/compress/releases/tag/v0.4.8)
Can you submit a pull request to add this feature?
Can you submit a pull request to fix this bug.