Joel Fuster
Joel Fuster
My password is only alphanumerics. It is 20 characters long if that would somehow make a difference. This is the first time I've tried to use Ungit, so no, authentication...
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. No keychains. Git is version Which I think may be the problem after looking at ungit. It seems to attempt a check for >= 1.8.x, but...
I upgraded to Git 1.9.1 but unfortunately I still have basically the same problem. Although the error message does now say "Error: Command failed: remote: Invalid username or password. fatal:...
What broker are you using? I've almost exclusively used Mosquitto. Does it support MQTT v3.1.1?
These are all good points, especially avoiding the warmup time. I will say that I kind of view the minimal configuration as a feature though; personally I like only needing...
That all makes sense. Yeah I guess if we can be pretty sure of not overwriting any user data then one file is fine, otherwise that's the only division I...
This happens to me on every single reboot--is there any specific info I can collect that would help?
Sadly, I have let it sit there for >30min several times now. It never connects unless I go through the entire process again.