ungit copied to clipboard
Authentication failed error
ungit 0.7.2 operations don't appear to be able to communicate with GitHub for me on one of my repos. I consistently get an "Authentication failed" message after I enter my username and password in the pop-up box. If I run the same command from the command line it works fine (except of course I'm not using the credentials-helper).
Here are server.log and credentials-helper.log:
http://fuster.org/ungit/credentials-helper.log http://fuster.org/ungit/server.log
As an aside, if I use Chrome I don't even get the error pop-up. It just sits there and nothing happens when I do something like "Fetch nodes from origin". Firefox gives me the pop-up error though.
Hm that's odd. Do have any special characters in your password? Did this work before for you?
My password is only alphanumerics. It is 20 characters long if that would somehow make a difference.
This is the first time I've tried to use Ungit, so no, authentication has never worked for me before. Ungit seems to work fine when doing any other actions.
I tried creating a another Github repo (public this time) and attempting to push to that has the same issue. Fetching seems fine in this case since it doesn't require authentication.
I also tried adding the username as part of the remote url, but that doesn't seem to make a difference as far as Ungit is concerned. It does affect whether or not the command line git asks for a username or not, though.
Which OS is this? And are you using any keychain or anything like that to store passwords?
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. No keychains. Git is version Which I think may be the problem after looking at ungit. It seems to attempt a check for >= 1.8.x, but the regex doesn't appear to deal with "" properly (it returns "7.9.5"), so the version check succeeds.
I'm guessing that updating git will fix my problem, but it would probably be helpful to fix the version check.
@fusterjj If you do upgrade to >= 1.8 and it works for you, please add a note here for others in the same situation.
I upgraded to Git 1.9.1 but unfortunately I still have basically the same problem. Although the error message does now say "Error: Command failed: remote: Invalid username or password. fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://[email protected]/fusterjj/....'
I have copy/pasted the same username/password at the command line as I do in ungit and it works in the command line.
I also just upgraded to ungit 0.8.0 and confirmed that I still have the problem.
Another guy experienced problems from chromes saved passwords feature (#363), can you try cleaning out stored passwords and see if that helps? (See his comment in #188) On 6 Apr 2014 21:02, "fusterjj" [email protected] wrote:
I upgraded to Git 1.9.1 but unfortunately I still have basically the same problem. Although the error message does now say "Error: Command failed: remote: Invalid username or password. fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://[email protected]/fusterjj/... .'
I have copy/pasted the same username/password at the command line as I do in ungit and it works in the command line.
I also just upgraded to ungit 0.8.0 and confirmed that I still have the problem.
Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/FredrikNoren/ungit/issues/346#issuecomment-39689079 .
Same issue on Arch Linux (and ungit 0.8), and git 2.0.0.
One interim solution could be to use ssh instead, see https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys on how to use ssh with GitHub.
Dear whom ever, Why can't you just let us work? I cannot push my work, it prompted for a password, i typed it wrong (accidentally) now it continues to fail authentication - WITHOUT GIVING ME A CHANCE TO RE-AUTHENTICATE !!! WHY ?? !!!!!!! Googling for an answer is fruitless, i was up all night trying to fix it. Please fix this, it's giving me a bad headache. Thanks :)
I would recommend you to flush your browser password. And if you are using mac and using osxkeychain, look at this. For any other OSs, look at this article and google up how to reset cached passwords.
And it is obvious that you have no regards and have no understanding of how open source work. If you have a problem with an open source, there are three solutions: 1. don't use it 2. fix it yourself 3. ask nicely to others to solve your problem. Remember, no body is obligated to fix your problem and forcing you to use this tool. This is entirely your decision.
Hey :)
Sorry, I know.. was late, just such a headache to get something to work that should work in the first place. I actually have a load of open-source experience, assuming that I don't is fair judgement, I don't blame you.
I'm using Fedora for desktop OS and manage all my problems myself, alas, when I write software I make sure to document it well, and I also make sure there are no bugs - prior to version release, anything less is beta (test) phase where anyone can test and report bugs. So, when something is released, it should just work, and unless I'm missing something, it should be documented thoroughly for anyone to use, for programmers, and noobs equally.
Thanks for the message though; it was nice to get some feedback.
Kindest regards, Charl
On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 1:24 AM, CodingTwinky [email protected] wrote:
I would recommend you to flush your browser password. And if you are using mac and using osxkeychain, look at this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11067818/how-do-you-reset-the-stored-credentials-in-git-credential-osxkeychain. For any other OSs, look at this https://help.github.com/articles/caching-your-github-password-in-git/#platform-windows article and google up how to reset cached passwords.
And it is obvious that you have no regards and have no understanding of how open source work. If you have a problem with an open source, there are three solutions: 1. don't use it 2. fix it yourself 3. ask nicely to others to solve your problem. Remember, no body is obligated to fix your problem and forcing you to use this tool. This is entirely your decision.
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/FredrikNoren/ungit/issues/346#issuecomment-63244979.
I think it's necessary to change something here (I just wasted >30 minutes to find the solution to this simple problem, that's not "The easiest way to use git").
Entering a wrong password on windows will lead to this really bad state in which one an only see the git error message but there is no apparent way to solve the problem.
Error message:
remote: invalid credentials from
fatal: Authentication failed for
I think this error should be recognized and there should be some information on how to solve this, e.g.:
On windows the credentials are stored by the operating system. Hence you need to delete the wrong credentials from the credential manager to solve this issue. Go to Control Panel > User Accounts > Credential Manager > Windows Credentials. You will see Git credentials in the list (e.g. git:https://). Update the password or delete the password to get a new prompt the next time.
Additionally I think that if possible wrong credentials should not be saved.
If there's no time to add a handler for this exception now, please add an entry the readme
Still not fixed, happened to a coworker of mine on Windows, but there was nothing in the credentials manager