I'm sorry to bother you. Is it convenient to provide a script for data preprocessing. To reproduce the results in Table 2 in your article. We look forward to your...
I'm sorry to bother you. I'd like to ask if the idea of 4.1 two stage centerpoint in this article has not been implemented in centerpoint Kitti. Because I didn't...
Hello, yewzijian. Your work is excellent, but I haven't adjusted the results of ICP and FGR in your paper. Is it convenient to provide the parameters in ICP and FGR,...
I'm sorry to disturb you. Can you provide processing scripts for structured 3D and semantic 3D datasets? Thank you very much and look forward to your reply.
未定义函数或变量 'load_testdata'。 出错 demo_rigid (line 3) X0 = load_testdata(data_name);