FUJIWARA Shunichiro

Results 24 issues of FUJIWARA Shunichiro

Hi. This PR enables close test connections and HTTP response. dockerize keeps a test TCP connection while running, but if the server cannot accept multiple TCP connections, the test connection...

github.com/a8m/djson > DJSON is a JSON decoder for Go that is 2~ to 3~ times faster than the standard encoding/json and the existing solutions, when dealing with arbitrary JSON payload.

https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/session-manager-working-with-sessions-start.html#sessions-remote-port-forwarding https://aws.amazon.com/jp/about-aws/whats-new/2022/05/aws-systems-manager-support-port-forwarding-remote-hosts-using-session-manager/

ecspresso run sometimes fails with an error "failed to run task: ResourceNotReady.", but the running task is succeeded actually. We should retry ecs.WaitUntilTasksRunning. https://github.com/kayac/ecspresso/blob/04b07f6ee994b338e2facbc0637ef8561e6a505e/run.go#L177 refs #401

- [x] Switch to aws-sdk-go-v2. - [x] rollback --deregister-task-definition true by default. - Raise an error when rollback --deregister-task-definition with --no-wait. - [ ] #344 - [ ] #45 -...


from: UpdateFunctionCode+Publush To: UpdateFunctionCode & PublishVersion to avoid AWS bug

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