FUJIWARA Shunichiro

Results 24 issues of FUJIWARA Shunichiro

Log outputs of the "Deleting" message show only a digest of the images. ``` 2023/09/01 01:42:27 [notice] Deleting app sha256:6fe27e061425517495f535d56e7546c8b16423f69d5946f97c4693a4a21fa2bb ``` For more user-friendy, ecrm should show tags and artifact...

https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/aws-fargate-enables-faster-container-startup-using-seekable-oci/ Now, ECR supports image index and soci index. But ecrm can not detect these index, so ecrm deletes these index images possibility. 1. List up images(not index) that candidate...

ecrm reads `exclude_files` in config from local files. ```yaml exclude_files: - path/to/exclude.txt ``` Exclude file is a text file that includes ECR image URL lines delimited by LF. These images...

Gunfish doesn't retry when some FCM v1 errors occur. When FCM returns `INTERNAL` or `UNAVAILABLE` error, it should be retried. https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/http-server-ref?hl=ja#error-codes ```json { "file": "/home/runner/work/Gunfish/Gunfish/supervisor.go", "level": "error", "line": "432", "msg":...

https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/migrate-v1 > Apps using the deprecated FCM legacy APIs for HTTP and XMPP should migrate to the HTTP v1 API at the earliest opportunity. Sending messages (including upstream messages) with...

Add `error_hook_to` configuration which enable to output error hook payload to stdout/stderr. Now `cmdq` channel and `Command` struct names are not suitable, I renamed these names to `errq` and `Error`....

FCM returns `NotRegistered`, but Gunfish can't handle the errors. https://github.com/kayac/Gunfish/blob/febcd2eade0d1299f33ad0459e5bca24d85b3f4e/supervisor.go#L399-L405

I don't want to invoke a command by error_hook, because my APNS tokens list includes too many invalid tokens. I hope to run Gunfish with no error_hook, and I will...

refs #17 ```console $ rin -help Usage of rin -max-exec-time duration max execution time duration in batch execution (e.g 60s) -max-imports int max number of imports in batch execution ```...

Currently, batch mode will not stop if SQS messages available in queues.