
Results 6 comments of fuelkoy

Regex for headwind to work with twrnc package: "(?:\\b(className|style)\\s*=\\s*tw[\\\"\\'\\`]([_a-zA-Z0-9\\s\\-\\:\\/]+)[\\\"\\'\\`])|(?:\\btw\\s*`([_a-zA-Z0-9\\s\\-\\:\\/]*)`)" Must be added to "Settings>Extensions>Headwind>Class Regex>Edit in settings.json" and in there to whatever form you are using twrnc or other tailwind...

@VinitSarvade Thank you. By the way do you (or anyone else) know if it is possible to change the size of .webp/.svg/.png (or whatever is used for custom marker) used...

@alanjhughes @brentvatne Amazing work guys! Thank you!

@lenmazzone works perfectly! Thank you for sharing. I don't know how Expo team should take account of this, but at least now they have the knowledge of the problem (and...

By Evan Bacon in related issue: > We have added mjs support in Expo SDK 50, this should resolve the issue. https://github.com/expo/expo/issues/23322#issuecomment-1892833602