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☂️ Identify Performance Issues
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Current Behavior
Let's find if there are any performance problems that have been identified in #322 (and somewhere else for skeletons.)
I think there may have been a regression with Moti related to reanimated 3 causing issues for MotiPressable
and Skeleton
. It's possible it's a simple fix. I'd also like to compare Animated.View
with MotiView
directly to identify potential causes.
From what I've heard, the issue lies somewhere in useMotify
. It is likely worklet related (I think).
I welcome any feedback and support on how to identify performance issues. Thank you!
Expected Behavior
It should be as fast as Reanimated raw.
Steps To Reproduce
No response
- Moti: Latest
No response
~~After updating from Expo SDK 50 to SDK 51 (react-native-reanimated
3.6.2 to 3.10.1), there were big performance issues using Moti, but it seems to me that the problem lies within 'react-native-reanimated` as stated by @efstathiosntonas in #322. There have been multiple issues raised relating to performance degradation since version 3.6.1, in addition to 5800 namely 5816, 5781, even though all are not probably related to this one mentioned here in Moti.~~
~~I am just mentioning this here to add some information.~~
EDIT Let me come back to this after testing now. In my use case, actually changing to use pure react-native-animated animations instead of Moti fixed the performance issue. It was appearing when calling handleSubmit from react-hook-form with many inputs, and actually passing the handleSubmit took 2 seconds due to input rendering again as I had <InputHeader />
with placeholder text animations in it. So I changed those from Moti to react-native-reanimated, and now everything works as previously in Moti without performance issues.
I can show the code I used if requested. I don't have a repo to showcase this at the moment.
~After updating from Expo SDK 50 to SDK 51 (
3.6.2 to 3.10.1), there were big performance issues using Moti, but it seems to me that the problem lies within 'react-native-reanimated` as stated by @efstathiosntonas in #322. There have been multiple issues raised relating to performance degradation since version 3.6.1, in addition to 5800 namely 5816, 5781, even though all are not probably related to this one mentioned here in Moti.~~I am just mentioning this here to add some information.~
EDIT Let me come back to this after testing now. In my use case, actually changing to use pure react-native-animated animations instead of Moti fixed the performance issue. It was appearing when calling handleSubmit from react-hook-form with many inputs, and actually passing the handleSubmit took 2 seconds due to input rendering again as I had
<InputHeader />
with placeholder text animations in it. So I changed those from Moti to react-native-reanimated, and now everything works as previously in Moti without performance issues.I can show the code I used if requested. I don't have a repo to showcase this at the moment.
Can you show the code please? I also have the same issue
i also faced performance issues on android using MotiPressable in lists, moti skeleton also very slow. mainly when using moti, there are always lag in animations like opening bottom sheet, navigating to a next screen, removing moti completely, my app is very smooth now. i was using latest moti with last reanimated.
Thank you for sharing! If anyone has a minimal repro it would help identify the issues a lot
Hi! Thanks for this library! Any plans to check performance issues in the near feature?
Hey I would really love to, I'm just slammed at the moment. Any help setting up an example in the repo showing a perf difference would help a lot
So far it's been pretty much a few anecdotes of someone mentioning an issue in a massive list so I want to narrow it down to an example if possible
Also want to see if it's related to Reanimated memory leaks:
@TamasFarago Getting back from holiday so I'll put some code here of the previous and current code. This is not a minimal repro but showing the use case where the issue appeared for me. This is pseudo code now giving minimal example: (worth to note I'm using twrnc: tailwind-react-native-classnames, for styling that you will see in the InputHeader component)
function Input(props) {
const [focused, setFocused] = useState(false); // To control focus state of the input (border color + animations for the placeholder)
// react-hook-form controller
const {
fieldState: { error },
} = useController({
control: props.control,
defaultValue: "",
name: as string,
return (
// To change focused state
function InpuntContainer(props) {
return (
// Some universal styling for inputs
{text ? (
<InputHeader item={props.item} focused={props.focused} inputValue={props.inputValue} />
) : null}
* Header for input.
* @description Displays text, required mark, explanation (for web)
* @param {InputHeaderProps} props - The component props.
export default function InputHeader({
}: InputHeaderProps) {
const { animationDisabled, editable, info, required, text, webLogin } = item;
* Indicates whether the placeholder text should be animated up to the middle of the input top border.
const shouldAnimatePlaceholder = useMemo(() => {
if (
(inputValue !== undefined && inputValue !== "" && inputValue !== null) ||
inputValue === 0 ||
) {
return !animationDisabled;
}, [animationDisabled, focused, inputValue]);
const phoneNumber = useMemo(() => === "phoneNumber", []);
const topPosition = useSharedValue(0);
const topPositionAnimation = useAnimatedStyle(() => {
return {
top: withTiming(topPosition.value, {
duration: 200,
easing: Easing.inOut(Easing.quad),
}, []);
const bgViewOpacity = useSharedValue(0);
const bgViewOpacityAnimation = useAnimatedStyle(() => {
return {
opacity: withTiming(bgViewOpacity.value, {
duration: 200,
easing: Easing.inOut(Easing.quad),
}, []);
const fontS = useSharedValue(web ? 12 : 15);
const lineH = useSharedValue(17);
const paddingLeft = useSharedValue(web ? 4 : 6);
const fontAnimation = useAnimatedStyle(() => {
return {
fontSize: withTiming(fontS.value, {
duration: 200,
easing: Easing.inOut(Easing.quad),
lineHeight: withTiming(lineH.value, {
duration: 200,
easing: Easing.inOut(Easing.quad),
paddingLeft: withTiming(paddingLeft.value, {
duration: 200,
easing: Easing.inOut(Easing.quad),
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
if (!shouldAnimatePlaceholder) {
if (web) {
fontS.value = 12;
lineH.value = 18;
} else {
fontS.value = 15;
lineH.value = 17;
topPosition.value = 0;
bgViewOpacity.value = 0;
paddingLeft.value = web ? 4 : 6;
} else {
if (web) {
if (info || webLogin) {
topPosition.value = -17;
} else {
topPosition.value = -16;
fontS.value = 12;
lineH.value = 18;
} else {
if (info) {
topPosition.value = -13;
} else {
topPosition.value = -20;
fontS.value = 14;
lineH.value = 14;
bgViewOpacity.value = 1;
paddingLeft.value = web ? 10 : 14;
}, [shouldAnimatePlaceholder]);
return (
position: "absolute",
left: 8,
height: "100%",
flexDirection: "row",
alignItems: "center",
justifyContent: "flex-start",
overflow: "hidden",
zIndex: -2,
`flex-row rounded-3xl pr-0.5 h-[${
shouldAnimatePlaceholder ? 14 : 18
animationDisabled && (inputValue || focused) && "hidden",
editable === false && !shouldAnimatePlaceholder && "bg-transparent",
position: "absolute",
width: "100%",
height: 2,
backgroundColor: "white",
top: web ? 10 : 6.5,
left: 2,
fontFamily: "Lato-Bold",
paddingRight: 4,
color: tw.color("neutral-700"),
height: 20,
{required ? (
"web:leading-6 leading-4 text-themeColor",
editable === false &&
!shouldAnimatePlaceholder &&
) : null}
// Under here is the old component that used MotiViews and Texts. Some animation values have changed since commenting this out but the performance issue should show
// /**
// * Calculates the top position for the placeholder animation.
// *
// * @return {number} The calculated top position.
// */
// const topPosition = useMemo(() => {
// if (!shouldAnimatePlaceholder) {
// if (tw.prefixMatch("web")) {
// boxHeight.value = 0;
// return 0;
// }
// boxHeight.value = 2;
// return 2;
// }
// if (web) {
// if (tw.prefixMatch("web:lg") || info) {
// boxHeight.value = -17;
// return -17;
// }
// boxHeight.value = -24;
// return -24;
// }
// if (info) {
// boxHeight.value = -11;
// return -11;
// }
// boxHeight.value = -24;
// return -24;
// }, [shouldAnimatePlaceholder]);
// const fontSize = useMemo(() => {
// if (shouldAnimatePlaceholder) {
// if (web) {
// fontS.value = 12;
// return 12;
// }
// fontS.value = 14;
// return 14;
// }
// if (web) {
// fontS.value = 13;
// return 13;
// }
// fontS.value = 17;
// return 17;
// }, [shouldAnimatePlaceholder]);
// const lineHeight = useMemo(() => {
// if (web) {
// lineH.value = 18;
// return 18;
// }
// if (shouldAnimatePlaceholder) {
// lineH.value = 14;
// return 14;
// }
// lineH.value = 17;
// return 17;
// }, [shouldAnimatePlaceholder]);
// const test = useMemo(() => {
// if (shouldAnimatePlaceholder) {
// padding.value = 10;
// return 10;
// }
// lineH.value = 2;
// return 2;
// }, [shouldAnimatePlaceholder]);
// return (
// <MotiView
// animate={{ top: topPosition }}
// transition={{ type: "timing", duration: 200 }}
// style={
// "absolute left-2 h-full flex-row items-center justify-start overflow-hidden",
// { top: topPosition },
// info && "h-6",
// !web ? "left-3 max-w-input" : "xs:max-w-[86%]",
// phoneNumber && "left-26 web:left-21",
// { zIndex: -2 },
// )}
// >
// <View
// style={
// `flex-row rounded-3xl pr-0.5 h-[${
// shouldAnimatePlaceholder ? 14 : 18
// }px]`,
// animationDisabled && (inputValue || focused) && "hidden",
// editable === false && !shouldAnimatePlaceholder && "bg-transparent",
// )}
// >
// {/* <MotiView
// animate={{ opacity: shouldAnimatePlaceholder ? 1 : 0 }}
// style={
// "absolute w-full h-[1.5px] bg-white top-[11px] web:top-[11px] left-0.5",
// webLogin && "top-2",
// { opacity: shouldAnimatePlaceholder ? 1 : 0 },
// )}
// /> */}
// {/* <MotiText
// accessibilityLabel="input placeholder"
// animate={{
// // @ts-expect-error style property not recognized
// fontSize,
// paddingLeft: shouldAnimatePlaceholder ? 10 : 2,
// lineHeight,
// // fontFamily: test ? "Lato-Italic" : Lato-Regular,
// }}
// transition={{ type: "timing", duration: 200 }}
// style={
// // { fontFamily: "Lato-Bold", fontSize, lineHeight, paddingLeft: 10 },
// // { fontFamily: "Lato-Black" },
// "pr-1 text-neutral-700 h-5",
// editable === false && !shouldAnimatePlaceholder && "bg-transparent",
// )}
// >
// {text}
// </MotiText> */}
// {required ? (
// <BaseText
// text={"*"}
// style={
// "web:leading-6 leading-4 text-themeColor",
// editable === false &&
// !shouldAnimatePlaceholder &&
// "bg-transparent",
// )}
// />
// ) : null}
// </View>
// </MotiView>
// );
Skeletons are really heavy and causing performance issues as well for me.