Tobias Fuchs
Tobias Fuchs
@devreal Great effort, thank you a lot!
@dash-project/developers **IMPORTANT** Currently there is a bug in codedocs which prevents updates of the generated HTML files in browser cache. To review doxygen output on either - clear your...
@dash-project/developers Examples are now nicely included in Doxygen. For reference: - (Doxygen generated on my server) - (automatically generated by codedocs from latest `development` state) Please help documenting...
We use the following style for documentation: ~~~c++ /** * Multi-line comment opened with double-star /**. * First paragraph is brief description, * * Paragraphs are separated by empty comment...
@ddiefenthaler Don't use the Java-style `@param`, please. Apart from that, use whatever you prefer. I personally like the inline style `/// Param description` because undocumented parameters are easier to spot.
@dash-project/developers I added a comprehensive style guide for Doxygen documentation in the contributor guide lines: Now, don't be shy and give it a try!
The current realization of `dash::accumulate` is somewhat irritating, yes. Oh yes. First things first: - `dart_accumulate` semantically corresponds to `MPI_Accumulate`: `C[i] = reduce(A[i], B[i])` - `dash::accumulate` semantically corresponds to `std::accumulate`:...
Emm. You moved it there? Or @fmoessbauer did and you reviewed it: I implemented the algorithm stuff and placed `accumulate_impl` in `Transform.h` ... but we all own the code!
Oh :D I will, my original implementation is broken anyways.
... aaaand also: as it is defined in DASH, `accumulate_impl` should be named `transform_impl`, because that's the DASH semantics.