Zach Fry
Zach Fry
@reasonerjt - I'm wondering if you have any thoughts/ideas on this issue. I've done some more digging, and I haven't been able to make Velero work without granting `list` permissions...
Think this is the same issue as
@m4ksio - wondering if this is still an issue for you.
I think this is somewhat related to (and or, solution might fix)
@hpryce @iamdanfox - looks like this is resolved - just want to double check and make sure that's the case. We good to close this out?
Hey @blackpiglet - thanks for the work and attempts to help us get this working. Quick note - when we originally ran into this issue, we were using Velero 1.10...
Hey @blackpiglet Just quickly wanted to let you know that when I tried installing/configuring using the setup above only using Role/RoleBindings (on the 1.10 version of velero with the 2.32...
CC @ellisjoe and @iamdanfox One possible solution here is to get rid of the startup log and send output to syslog.