Fritz Freiheit
Fritz Freiheit
My bad. I was fooled into thinking the Embargo had been remove because the Embargo badge wasn't there. I'm looking into it.
See: (Add cloud files popup ignores cancel button)
app/presenters/hyrax/version_list_presenter.rb Updated: ``` ## # @param [Object] an object representing the File Set # # @return [Enumerable] an enumerable of presenters # for the relevant file versions. # # @raise...
I could not reproduce this on my local host (built from scratch). But I did find an inverted version of this problem where the works in an admin set with...
I was able to get further before a stack overflow error with the following two changes that shift resource use from the stack to the heap: First is in: `lib/active_fedora/persistence.rb`...
This is a problem with the underlying ActiveFedora implementation. I'm going to open a ticket to fix it in ActiveFedora.
Created issue in ActiveFedora: