Yvonnick FRIN

Results 100 comments of Yvonnick FRIN

I feel this issue deprecated since tc39 have a proposal for slice notation https://github.com/tc39/proposal-slice-notation I think we should stick to standard approach

Awesome work @Amrithnath 👏

Don't worry @Amrithnath, It's normal to be busy. Take your time! Thank you for your hard work 👍

Hi @renvrant 👋 Thank you for creating this starter 👍 Do you have any clues about this issue? I would be glad to investigate 😄

Hi @nabiltkarim, There isn't a "reverse" prop. Do you have some use case examples of list that loads scrolling up?

Oh nice didn't thought about that. Like Slack when you join a channel. Would you like to work on this feature @nabiltkarim?

Hi @alexander9306 👋 Thank you for posting this issue. Would you mind opening a PR with types definition?

Hello there 👋 I see a lot a comments here. I need some explanations and instructions (step by step) to reproduce easily your use cases. Otherwise I won't be able...

Revue fonctionnelle faite ✅ Cependant, il n'y a dans les seeds de cas qui permet de vérifier le tag "Certifiable". Est ce qu'on ferait pas évoluer les seeds pour avoir...

@Anne-Gaelle-S y a un passage de ember-simple-auth de la 3.1 à la 4.2.2. Ça pose des difficultés ou aucun soucis ?