Yvonnick FRIN

Results 100 comments of Yvonnick FRIN

Hello @Nicholas-Ingram 👋 Thank you for posting this issue 🙏 I tried your example but the code does not work. It seems to be missing variables I can't simply copy...

@Nicholas-Ingram does the solution @saksham2105 provided fixed your issue?

Hi @tomerb15 👋 I don't understand what is the issue you encountered. Is it too slow? If it is the case can you share your code, please?

@tomerb15 as you can see [here](https://github.com/frinyvonnick/node-html-to-image/blob/master/src/index.js#L18) node-html-to-image uses puppeteer-cluster under the hood. Maybe you could help optimize it with your configuration?

@KL13NT I look at all issues and new messages. Answering takes some time. Avoid pinging me without new information. I'll answer as soon as I can. I maintain this package...

@joshk0 I would prefer to avoid breaking change. I created this package in the idea of having something simple and easy to use. Initially I thought people might directly use...

I discover that puppeteer-cluster can take a puppeteer object as parameter of the launch method (see https://github.com/thomasdondorf/puppeteer-cluster#clusterlaunchoptions). This could be an option to pass your own instance of puppeteer. Is...

Hi @dharmatalea 👋 Thank you for opening this issue 🙏 Can you explain how to reproduce your issue step by step on my side, please? Maybe you could share a...

Hello @Mohammed523 👋 Thank you for opening this pull request 🙏 . In the [README](https://github.com/frinyvonnick/node-html-to-image#dealing-with-fonts) there is a guide which explains how to deal with fonts. I see that you...

Hi @Schroedingers-Hat 👋 Thank you for opening this issue 🙏 Do you want to open a pull request to add a property handlebarsArgs?