I used option api to build the component, but I'm not sure if that could be the problem. I don't think so, bit I could be wrong. I'll make a...
Sorry that keep you waiting, I did a few tests, but could not reproduce the problem. I see no problem using the component with composition api, do you still have...
Thanks for the input @BradA1878!! @bci24 could you please try the solution provided by @BradA1878 and check if that solve your issue?
Thanks a lot @x4m3 I'm not used to typescript so I find this kind of comments incredible valuable! Very nice way to "trick" typescript to avoid the build error. There...
Could you please elaborate a bit about the first point? What do you try to accomplish? I had no problem deleting or adding items on the array list. What problem...
I'm sorry yo say that I would need further explanations of what problems are you facing. What items are empty when you edit the invoice? The selection? are you trying...
Thanks a lot for your input @GregorSondermeier !! One of the objective I want to acomplish with this component is a way to have "2" values in the same component:...
Nop, I did not advance in any of this yet. And I think is a problem that people keep facing. so maybe I would need to work on using v-model...
wow! Great report, very nice work, and weird poltergeist that you find! I made a few tests and reproduce the issue without problems, I'm not really sure what's the problem...
P.D. Now I see that the demo doesn't behave responsively, I'll try to fix that too.