vue3-simple-typeahead copied to clipboard
Add v-model support
I have few problems using this plugin:
- Hard to recreate edit page for my form.
- Can't delete item in array list.
Could you please elaborate a bit about the first point? What do you try to accomplish? I had no problem deleting or adding items on the array list. What problem are you facing?
I tried to use v-model support but I encountered a few problems with that approach and decide to go with events instead. Would you like to use v-model support for the user input? for the user selection? or for the source list?
P.D. Sorry for the late response. I've been on vacation and a bit disconected for a few weeks.
Problem is that I have used your component as a autocomplete for invoice items. When I want to edit invoice all items are empty.
I'm sorry yo say that I would need further explanations of what problems are you facing. What items are empty when you edit the invoice? The selection? are you trying to use a complex object to fill in the selection? Maybe It would be easy if you could provide an example of your problem.
Hi @srocevas, I have had a similar problem as you describe:
I am editing an item and use the same form component as when I create an item. That form contains the SimpleTypeahead component. Now, when editing an item, that form should be pre-populated with all current values. Usually v-model is your friend here, but SimpleTypeahead doesn't support it (yet?). However, I was able to use the defaultItem input property to pre-populate the SimpleTypeahead component with the current value from the item that I am editing.
Maybe that helps you, too.
Thanks a lot for your input @GregorSondermeier !! One of the objective I want to acomplish with this component is a way to have "2" values in the same component: The input type by the user and the selected item. If you want to type a text that isn't on the suggested list, you can. And you can select an item of the list if you want. So you can have a string and an object or only a string as value for the component. And that's a bit of struggle with v-model. But I have a semiworking prototype with v-model in another branch. But i'm not sure if everyone would like to move to that system.
hi everyone ! any update regarding this ? how can I do it by using events ? to populate the input form while being edited or something.
Nop, I did not advance in any of this yet. And I think is a problem that people keep facing. so maybe I would need to work on using v-model instead.
I need to study this, hopefully I have some time in the weekend.
Same issue for me. If the component would support using v-model if would be very useful.
I actually found a solution that works for my project.
I added a :ref for each of the three typeaheads i have on my page:
placeholder="Department name"
and in onSelectedDepartment (which is where i need to set the selectedItem of one of the other TypeAhead components) i do this:
let ref = `input_department_${this.currentDepartmentIndex}`;
this.$refs[ref][0].selectItem(email, false); // i added the second argument to skip firing event when i selectItem this way.
it actually works fine for me - maybe someone gets inspired to find another solution. :)
I actually found a solution that works for my project.
I added a :ref for each of the three typeaheads i have on my page:
<TypeAhead :id="`department_${index}`" :class="typeAheadDepartment" placeholder="Department name" :items="departments" :minInputLength="1" :ref="`input_department_${index}`" @selectItem="onSelectedDepartment" @onInput="onDepartmentInput" @onFocus="onFocusEventHandler(index)" >
and in onSelectedDepartment (which is where i need to set the selectedItem of one of the other TypeAhead components) i do this:
let ref = `input_department_${this.currentDepartmentIndex}`; this.$refs[ref][0].selectItem(email, false); // i added the second argument to skip firing event when i selectItem this way.
it actually works fine for me - maybe someone gets inspired to find another solution. :)
This works for me as well and is similar to a autocomplete component I was using in the past. Being able to use v-model or allowing the defaultItem property to be reactive to changes would be useful though.
Another simple way would be to create a wrapper component that implements the v-model
<script setup>
import SimpleTypeahead from 'vue3-simple-typeahead';
import { onMounted, ref, watch } from 'vue';
const inputRef = ref(null);
const emit = defineEmits([
const props = defineProps({
items: { type: Array, required: true },
modelValue: { type: String },
function handleSelectItem(item) {
emit('update:modelValue', item)
function handleInput(data) {
let text = data.input;
emit('update:modelValue', text)
onMounted(() => {
inputRef.value.input = props.modelValue;
watch(() => props.modelValue, (newval, oldval) => {
inputRef.value.input = newval;
Then you just do:
:items="['red', 'green', 'yellow']"