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Universal dynamic routes for Next.js

Results 101 next-routes issues
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The latest type specification of `SingletonRouter` allows passing a generic type for the `query` property (`readonly query?: Q;`). This should be supported by the `Routes` class. The following PR by...

- Allow `Routes` to be a generic class and so be **consistent** with the latest type definition of `SingletonRouter`. - `@types/next` has been updated -> See Greenkeeper comment: Closes...

I tried, shallow routing and called inside a component, got an error "cannot read property of undefined." when I tried pushing the route.

Since the it's so common to use next exclusively for ssr and we normally handle authentication from another server other than the next server, I think it would be cool...

```js // ./_app.js // ... const App = ({ Component, pageProps, query }) => ( ) App.getInitialProps = ({ query }) => { return { query } } export default...

From the readme and [the code](, I can see that custom handler provided to the `getRequestHandler` accepts an object ``` const handler = routes.getRequestHandler(app, ({req, res, route, query}) => {...

I want to be able to add additional parameters to the route configuration objects so that I can access the route scope at Page level. I want to do this...

Hi! I'm trying to use slug in my article page. It's work when I click in article link, but when I enter directly from URL or I reload the page,...

with 'next/router' we can write Router.push({ pathname: pathname, query: { key:[1,2,3] } });

This return statement should be there as that functions return promises and getRequestHandler just breaks promise chain.