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Universal dynamic routes for Next.js

Results 101 next-routes issues
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Now I can write ``` routes .add('index', '/:lang(ru|en)?', 'index') .add('about', '/:lang(ru|en)?/about', 'about') ... ``` It is possible to release? ``` routes .add('i18n', '/:lang(ru|en)?/:path?', ':path'); ```` Im try to add custom...

Can we do something like ``` pattern: '/page?action=create' ``` as opposed to ``` pattern: '/page/create` ``` because modals should be a child of the parent component in order to keep...

When you have a `` component that points to a section of the page. Eaxmple: In my header I have the following 👇 ``` Cart Wish List ``` And in...

I am using [next-redux-wrapper]( and the redux state is getting lost because of the full page reloads happening when navigating using browser back and forth buttons. How to disable this...

Not path, but pattern. For example `/page/:param` I'm asking because `newrelic` module doesn't play nice with Next.js v7, and their `setTransactionName` method requires a pattern or regex, and not a...

nextjs supports handeling router events onRouteChangeStart onRouteChangeComplete onRouteChangeError onBeforeHistoryChange This branch adds those events to next-routes with the following syntax: ``` routes.onRouteChangeStart((url) => { console.log('App is changing to: ',...

``` B page ``` click``` B page```,go to B page and the page not show from the top..... the behavior like ```scroll={false}```

The definition was different from the actual code so I changed it to be the same, a function. This change fixes the usage in typescript.

I have a routes file as below and am getting an error saying "ccYear expected to be a string". Maybe I'm not following the implementation, but what I expect is...