
Results 7 comments of freisei

Just for beginning: - toggle recording on/off - trigger recording (would be useful by simple http-get, so many cameras' internal motion detection could be used to trigger recoring

> Yes I see the outlines of the motion within the mask. I think you have to negate your mask. Motion is only triggered outside the mask, not inside it.

it would be no problem from my side to trigger the rest-server to execute the pre- or postcommands. something like `curl https://user:[email protected]:8000/pre-script` Maybe this would even be a fine way,...

for security reasons restic should allow only pre-defined (by config or command-line) commands. Never allow custom commands to be executed because if the client is hacked, the hacker can execute...

> Is this something we would like to add? me of course :) > Any volunteer to do the work? I don't have the ability to do this. But I...

what about the manual triggering?

i meant not the triggering itself, of course this can be done with curl. But triggering does not make sense if the server has no ability to be triggered and...