Kongxiao Zhao
Kongxiao Zhao
hi this happens to me too on gpd win 1 with ubuntu mate 18.04 official build. streams fine but as long as picture changes rapidly i.e scrolling right in XMB...
> hi this happens to me too on gpd win 1 with ubuntu mate 18.04 official build. > strams fine but as long as picture changes rapidly i.e scrolling right...
same here. It's quite annoying
I found out it happens if you login your steam in multiple location, you can stop this by login out all devices and log back in.
> > I found out it happens if you login your steam in multiple location, you can stop this by login out all devices and log back in. > >...
> > 我之前用的westus,可能会离国内近一点。昨天改接口的时候忘记测试 westus 还能不能用了。 > > 我测试下还有哪些服务器可用,有空的时候加上。 非常感谢! 另外忘了在第一篇里谢谢你分享这么好用的项目!听了微软tts之后其他的tts都听不下去了。
> 这个方法其实不错,等页面接口被撸限制之后尝试付费。谢谢你!
And for me, using KDE, need to "trust" the desktop file to make it autostart.
same happens here, all files have permision 666 and one or two specific album just not loading.
same error here. The error appears during installation on the fresh install of Windows. And the installer revert to initial and remove every driver it installed (like nic drivers etc.).