Thibaut Lorrain

Results 41 comments of Thibaut Lorrain

Hi @koenvervloesem This is in fact tricky, as we're in a full async context and we don't have in fact any way from the dialogue to know who is listening...

@Psychokiller1888 would moving the feedback sound handling out of the dialogue and into a separate component be a solution ? I've been toying with the idea for some time (I...

you should be able to already do that, using the `hermes/audioServer/playBytes` topic to send the wav to play and deactivating the feedback in the dialogue

most of the messages are sent on mqtt directly after the event happened so I guess you could use the current system time when receiving the message for that. But...

@Psychokiller1888 do you have example of what parameters you would change ? Changing conf inflight may, depending on the conf, be a bit complicated. Not sure we'll have a way...

@CandidoAC be sure to `.enableLogs(true)` on the `SnipsPlatformClient` and get the logs from the `yourAppId:snipsProcessingService` process. Also which architecture are you seeing this on ?

Hi @CandidoAC! these logs are missing a bit of the interesting stuff, as only Info logs are show, make sure to select `Verbose` instead of `Info` in android studio's logcat...

@Psychokiller1888 could you give an example on when this would be useful ?

ok so more of a "continue listening till user command in the future" mode ? cc @Garvys could we have a mode like this in asr endpointing ?

of course^^ but the root would be the asr