For the R Plotly team, I'm not sure if it is helpful, but I'm pretty confident I know what the issue is. In the dictionary for the language 'pt-br' (and...
I recently answered an SO question that asked about the ignored strip position. I came up with a workaround after generating the plot with `ggplotly`. The questioner wanted the strips...
Yes, you can. Here's an example. ``` library(highcharter) data(economics, package = 'ggplot2') economics % hc_xAxis(categories = economics$date, type = "datetime") %>% hc_add_series(name = "Unemployed", data = economics$unemploy) %>% hc_tooltip(useHTML =...
Since this uses base R functionality, you can customize labels by first removing what's there and then adding what you want. I'm removing the x-axis tick labels with `xaxt =...
Sorry about the delayed response, I didn't realize that I had this waiting for me. The color of the labels can change with the parameter `col.axis` within a `plot()` or...