plotly.R copied to clipboard
Locale 'pt-br' and 'pt-pt' are not complete at a Sankey Plot
Hi, As you see the Tooltips are translated ...
But the hoover info not. The translation for this strings are in the plotly-locale-pt-br.js file. source:"origem",target:"destino"
Any idea where is the problem, Thanks Thomas
Apparently I had the same issue for boxplots.
fig <- plot_ly(x = ~rnorm(50), type = "box")
fig |> config(locale = "pt-br")
However, when consulting the dictionary in JS, there is no error reported here. pt-br.js
I found this Issue through a comment on my SO Question.
For the R Plotly team,
I'm not sure if it is helpful, but I'm pretty confident I know what the issue is. In the dictionary for the language 'pt-br' (and a few others), the English and Portuguese are not annotated correctly. For example, the current script has median: "mediana"
. This is not how this subtext appears in the configuration. It should be "median:":"mediana:"
There should be colons with these strings. All of the dictionary items that should have a colon never match up when rendering. I think I captured them all for this script. When I changed this locally, everything I tested it with ran correctly.
var locale = {
moduleType: "locale",
name: "pt-br",
dictionary: {
Autoscale: "Escala autom\xe1tica",
"Box Select": "Sele\xe7\xe3o retangular",
"Click to enter Colorscale title": "Clique para editar o t\xedtulo da escala de cor",
"Click to enter Component A title": "Clique para editar o t\xedtulo do Componente A",
"Click to enter Component B title": "Clique para editar o t\xedtulo do Componente B",
"Click to enter Component C title": "Clique para editar o t\xedtulo do Componente C",
"Click to enter Plot title": "Clique para editar o t\xedtulo do Gr\xe1fico",
"Click to enter X axis title": "Clique para editar o t\xedtulo do eixo X",
"Click to enter Y axis title": "Clique para editar o t\xedtulo do eixo Y",
"Click to enter radial axis title": "Clique para editar o t\xedtulo do eixo radial",
"Compare data on hover": "Comparar dados ao pairar",
"Double-click on legend to isolate one trace": "Duplo clique na legenda para isolar uma s\xe9rie",
"Double-click to zoom back out": "Duplo clique para reverter zoom",
"Download plot as a png": "Fazer download do gr\xe1fico como imagem (png)",
"Download plot": "Fazer download do gr\xe1fico",
"Edit in Chart Studio": "Editar no Chart Studio",
"IE only supports svg. Changing format to svg.": "IE suporta apenas svg. Alterando formato para svg",
"Lasso Select": "Sele\xe7\xe3o de la\xe7o",
"Orbital rotation": "Rota\xe7\xe3o orbital",
Pan: "Mover",
"Produced with Plotly": "Criado com o Plotly",
Reset: "Restaurar",
"Reset axes": "Restaurar eixos",
"Reset camera to default": "Restaurar c\xe2mera para padr\xe3o",
"Reset camera to last save": "Restaurar c\xe2mera para \xfaltima salva",
"Reset view": "Restaurar vis\xe3o",
"Reset views": "Restaurar vis\xf5es",
"Show closest data on hover": "Exibir dado mais pr\xf3ximo ao pairar",
"Snapshot succeeded": "Captura instant\xe2nea completa",
"Sorry, there was a problem downloading your snapshot!": "Desculpe, houve um problema no download de sua captura instant\xe2nea!",
"Taking snapshot - this may take a few seconds": "Efetuando captura instant\xe2nea - isso pode levar alguns instantes",
"Toggle Spike Lines": "Habilitar/desabilitar triangula\xe7\xe3o de linhas",
"Toggle show closest data on hover": "Habilitar/desabilitar exibi\xe7\xe3o de dado mais pr\xf3ximo ao pairar",
"Turntable rotation": "Rota\xe7\xe3o de mesa",
Zoom: "Zoom",
"Zoom in": "Ampliar zoom",
"Zoom out": "Reduzir zoom",
"close:": "fechamento:",
"high:": "alta:",
"incoming flow count": "contagem de fluxo de entrada:",
"kde:": "kde:",
"lat:": "latitude:",
"lon:": "longitude:",
"low:": "baixa:",
"lower fence:": "limite inferior:",
"max:": "m\xe1ximo:",
"mean \xb1 \u03c3:": "m\xe9dia \xb1 \u03c3:",
"mean:": "m\xe9dia:",
"median:": "mediana:",
"min:": "m\xednimo:",
"new text:": "novo texto:",
"open:": "abertura:",
"outgoing flow count:": "contagem de fluxo de sa\xedda:",
"q1:": "q1:",
"q3:": "q3:",
"source": "origem:",
"target::": "destino:",
trace: "s\xe9rie",
"upper fence:": "limite superior:"
format: {
days: ["Domingo", "Segunda-feira", "Ter\xe7a-feira", "Quarta-feira", "Quinta-feira", "Sexta-feira", "S\xe1bado"],
shortDays: ["Dom", "Seg", "Ter", "Qua", "Qui", "Sex", "S\xe1b"],
months: ["Janeiro", "Fevereiro", "Mar\xe7o", "Abril", "Maio", "Junho", "Julho", "Agosto", "Setembro", "Outubro", "Novembro", "Dezembro"],
shortMonths: ["Jan", "Fev", "Mar", "Abr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Ago", "Set", "Out", "Nov", "Dez"],
date: "%d/%m/%Y"
"undefined" == typeof Plotly ? (window.PlotlyLocales = window.PlotlyLocales || [], window.PlotlyLocales.push(locale)) : Plotly.register(locale);