Franck Dervaux
Franck Dervaux
### 🔗 Linked issue Resolves #236. ### ❓ Type of change - [ ] 📖 Documentation (updates to the documentation, readme or JSdoc annotations) - [ ] 🐞 Bug fix...
### 🔗 Linked issue #175 ### ❓ Type of change - [ ] 📖 Documentation (updates to the documentation, readme or JSdoc annotations) - [ ] 🐞 Bug fix (a...
### What problem does this feature solve? The File Upload component has an event for error cases, but has no way to show an error, for example if the selected...
### What problem does this feature solve? When one writes tests for a UI using the components, it sometimes requires to access the 'internals' of the component. An example is...
### What problem does this feature solve? At least two BFI projects (Support & Notification Portal and FI-Home) need to manage date ranges. Currently, as the six-datepicker does not offer...
### 🔗 Linked issue #252 ### ❓ Type of change - [ ] 📖 Documentation (updates to the documentation, readme or JSdoc annotations) - [ ] 🐞 Bug fix (a...