Francisco de la Peña

Results 95 comments of Francisco de la Peña

Major releases force people to update their codes and scripts, so we should minimize their number. Therefore, I think that it would be good to split the TEM features into...

Nice job @CSSFrancis ! This is a much needed refreshment of the axes code. What do you mean with "unordered (or unorderable axes)"? Is it `hs.axes.DataAxis(["a", "b", "c"])`? It it...

> I think that hyperspy should try to support as much numpy as possible. Not sure about it: there are things that you can do with abstract arrays that you...

Hi @CSSFrancis. Sorry to be slow to reply. I have some further thoughts on this and #3055, but I am too busy at the moment. I'll come back to you...

Thinking about it, I backtrack from my suggestion to use a `dict` to store axis labels. As you mention, that would provide an alternative way to annotate data, but I...

Currently the `__repr__` method returns a code to reproduce the current ROI and its state. Could you make a more explicit proposal on how to improve upon this?

This is all I get ``` ERROR:hyperspyui.singleapplication:QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Connection refused DEBUG:hyperspyui.singleapplication:An existing instance of HyperSpyUI is running, sending arguments to it. ```

No, that one doesn't print anything to the log while attempting to connect. There is nothing special about my localhost AFAICT.