Francisco de la Peña

Results 95 comments of Francisco de la Peña

Very interesting discussion indeed. These are my conclusions so far: * There is no such thing as a chunking strategy that is reasonable for most needs. HyperSpy currently uses chunks...

Sounds good. Just to make sure that there is no misunderstanding, could you provide an example for each of the chunking styles that you propose? The chunking style could be...

Splitting the signals into packages simply requires a mechanism to register new signals and components similar to the one in #1544 that registers UI toolkit. Once such a method is...

Does the following look reasonable? ```bash conda install hyperspy-core hyperspy-visualization hyperspy-gui-ipywidgets hyperspy-tem-eels ```

Good points. I think that for such a package it would make sense to change the license to e.g. BSD. I actually wonder if it wouldn't even make sense to...

PRs #2180 and #2174 implement the main mechanisms required to register external objects and ultimately split HyperSpy. I have updated the header accordingly.

For some reason this doesn't work for me using the ``notebook`` backend in the notebook either, but it does work well using the qt backend. On the approach itself I...

This is much needed. We create the debian package using stdeb, which most likely doesn't produce a Debian compliant package. In addition to the document that you mention it might...

Did you have success with your debian building experiment? I think that all dependencies are in Debian. The only one that is not is dask (required for #1219) but they're...

I am afraid that the answer is no :( If this is the bottleneck i am all for finally making traitsui an optional dependency.