Francesco Milano
Francesco Milano
Hi @christian-rauch, thank you for your answer. For number 1., yes, this is what we are already doing, following the procedure in For 2., can you recommend any calibration...
Hi @christian-rauch, a follow-up on the question of which image the `K` matrix should be applied to. Backtracking from the [`kinect_rgbd.launch`](, in particular for the case when `depth_registered_processing` is True...
Thank you for your prompt reply. I am familiar with the OpenCV pipeline for undistortion and I am already using `image_geometry.PinholeCameraModel` in my ROS interfaces. These two things give me...
Perfect, thank you.
Hi @jsll, Thanks for reporting the issue. I've tried reproducing it on different computers with no previous installations, but the installation went through successfully. What setup are you using (OS,...
Strange indeed, I tried using CMake 3.17.2 and PyMesh also installs without problems on my side. Maybe a few things to double check: - Are you running the `pip install`...
Hi @mganglb, no, it doesn't play a huge role in the pipeline. We use PyMesh just because it avoids the need to reimplement some functions that we use to process...